This Edinburgh Whisky flooring project at Viewfield, Glenrothes, was a new unit procured as part of the expansion of the independent bottling company, Edinburgh Whisky.
It required massive levels of correction.
Previously an engineering factory, the slab varied by as much as 75mm +/- from datum.
The new racking installation of high bay whisky barrel storage and the use of VNA fork trucks demanded a slab that met SR and DM floor flatness specifications.
The Edinburgh Whisky flooring project floor was mechanically prepared, with oil and moisture-tolerant primers used to mitigate its previous use.
We installed a self-smoothing industrial base to pins set to a new zero datum.
Project Surveying
Next on the Edinburgh Whisky flooring project was surveying.
Firstly the floor, at the intermediate and completion stages, to confirm tolerance.
Then, we conducted a complete DM survey to confirm the achievement of the tolerance.
The traffic zones were covered with a flexible, heavy-duty resin system to provide long-term wear and slip resistance.
ATS specialise in a range of industrial and commercial flooring solutions.
The high bay-racking environment puts a great emphasis on tolerance.
A skill ATS has been honing for several years.
To the customer’s satisfaction, we completed the Edinburgh Whisky flooring project within an agreed timescale and budget.
Customer feedback
Jonas, the Lead Site Engineer for Edinburgh Whisky, commented:
“ATS was instrumental in the success of the project. The floor was a significant piece of the jigsaw.”