Traditional Sand & Cement Floor Screed

ATS is your go-to destination for reliable and professional Traditional Sand & Cement Floor Screed solutions. With an industry leading reputation, backed by certifications, insurance, and fully qualified installers, we guarantee excellence and provide peace of mind in every Screeding project.

What is traditional sand & cement floor screed, and how is it made?

Traditional sand & cement floor screed is a mixture used to create a smooth, level surface for flooring finishes.

It’s a blend of sand, cement, and water, with a typical ratio of 1 part cement to 3-4 parts sand.

This mixture can also include additives or fibres to enhance its properties, such as improved strength, drying times, and moisture resistance.

The components are thoroughly mixed to achieve a consistent texture, providing a sturdy base for various floor coverings.

Professional Screed Solutions

Don’t compromise on quality or reliability. Request a quote from ATS for your traditional sand & cement floor screed installation and ensure your screeding project is handled by the best in the business.

What types of projects is traditional sand & cement floor screed suitable for?

Traditional sand & cement floor screed is incredibly versatile, making it suitable for various projects.

It is ideal for residential and commercial properties, including new builds, renovations, and extensions.

Traditional screed is particularly beneficial for areas requiring a durable and level surface, such as living spaces, offices, retail environments, and industrial facilities.

Its adaptability to different environments and compatibility with underfloor heating systems also make it a preferred choice for many construction and refurbishment projects.

How does ATS ensure quality in traditional floor screed installations?

ATS is committed to delivering the highest quality in traditional sand & cement floor screed installations.

We are audited and licensed by Global Manufacturers.

We ensure quality through meticulous preparation, using only premium-grade materials, and employing skilled tradespeople with extensive experience in screeding.

Our team follows strict guidelines and industry standards, from mixing ratios to application techniques, to guarantee a flawless finish.

Regular training and quality control checks throughout installation ensure that every project meets our high standards and client expectations.

Can traditional sand & cement floor screeds be customised to fit different project requirements?


Traditional sand & cement floor screed offers excellent flexibility.

It can be customised to meet the specific requirements of any project.

This customisation can include adjustments in the mix ratio, incorporating additives for enhanced performance, and variations in thickness to suit different load-bearing and insulation needs.

ATS works closely with you to understand your requirements, ensuring the screed formulation is perfectly tailored to the intended application and performance criteria.

What are the advantages of choosing traditional sand & cement floor screed over alternative options?

Traditional sand & cement floor screed offers several advantages, including its proven durability, cost-effectiveness, and versatility.

Traditional screed provides a robust and level base that can support various floor finishes, ensuring longevity and aesthetic appeal.

Its compatibility with underfloor heating systems and ability to be tailored to specific project needs further enhance its appeal.

Additionally, the simplicity and availability of materials make it a cost-efficient option without compromising on quality.

What warranties or guarantees does ATS offer with traditional sand & cement floor screed installations?

ATS stands behind the quality of our traditional sand & cement floor screed installations with comprehensive warranties and guarantees.

We offer a warranty covering materials and workmanship, ensuring that you have peace of mind knowing your investment is protected.

The specific terms and duration of the warranty can vary depending on the project scope and specifications, but our commitment to quality and your satisfaction remains unwavering.
How does ATS ensure efficient and timely installation of traditional floor screed solutions?

Efficiency and timeliness are critical priorities for ATS when installing traditional sand & cement floor screed solutions.

We achieve this through careful planning, coordination, and execution of each project.

Our experienced project managers oversee the entire process, from initial consultation to completion, ensuring that all stages proceed smoothly and according to schedule.

Utilising the latest techniques and equipment and a skilled workforce allows us to maintain high productivity levels and meet your deadlines without compromising quality.

Screeding Excellence

Trust the industry leader for your screeding needs. ATS have the experience and the expertise to ensure your project receives the highest quality traditional sand & cement installation

How long does traditional sand & cement floor screed take to dry before applying floor coverings?

The drying time for traditional sand & cement floor screed can vary depending on factors such as thickness, environmental conditions, and the presence of additives that might accelerate or slow the drying process.

Generally, it takes approximately 1 day per millimetre of screed thickness to dry sufficiently for light foot traffic. However, some screeds can be dry within as little as 4 hours.

A minimum of 28 days under ideal conditions is often recommended for floor coverings to ensure the screed has adequately dried and cured.

However, ATS can provide specific guidance based on your project’s details and environmental factors to ensure optimal drying times.

Can traditional sand & cement floor screed be used with underfloor heating systems?

Yes, traditional sand & cement floor screed is an excellent choice for use with underfloor heating systems.

Its thermal conductivity allows for efficient heat distribution, making it an ideal medium for embedding heating pipes or cables.

ATS specialises in integrating traditional screed with underfloor heating, ensuring an even and comfortable heat distribution throughout the space.

Our expertise ensures that the screed effectively encapsulates the heating system and contributes to its efficiency and performance.

What maintenance is required for traditional sand & cement floor screed after installation?

Traditional sand & cement floor screeds require minimal maintenance once installed and cured correctly.

Initially, it’s essential to protect the screed from moisture and traffic to allow it to cure.

After curing, the screed is remarkably durable and requires little to no maintenance.

However, the final floor covering might dictate specific maintenance routines.

ATS provides detailed guidance on caring for your screed during the curing process and beyond, ensuring its longevity and performance.

We also offer advice on maintaining the overall flooring system, depending on the type of finish and the space’s usage.

About ATS

ATS is a floor screeding, resin, underfloor heating (UFH) and consulting specialist based in Fife.

We offer an end-to-end client experience with seamless communication, cost-effective pricing, product advice and high-quality work by qualified installation teams.

ATS has over 20 years of experience, and our team has worked on projects across the UK with a wide range of clients, large and small.

We are CHAS Advanced accredited, SMAS Certified and a Gold Member of Constructionline.

Every floor installation project has a fully qualified supervisor with an NVQ certificate and an SSSTS/SMSTS qualification.

ATS is a licensed installer for world-leading brands, including Flowcrete, Vebro, Cemfloor, TLA, Mapei, Weber Saint Gobain, Sherwin Williams, Ardex, Altro, KDR, Uzin and TekFloor, among others.

Click here to contact our team or phone for more information 01383 871448.

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